Our Campus and Facilities
ISF (International School of Flanders) Tervuren is located in the quiet but international village of Vossem in the Commune/Gemeente of Tervuren, approximately 15 minutes from Brussels. We occupy three buildings surrounded by beautiful green areas.
Dotremont House
Dotremont House accommodates the Years 1 – 6 classrooms and all our resource rooms. The EAL and French classrooms are also located in Dotrement House which backs onto Frantzen House.
Frantzen House
Frantzen House, also known as the "Old Barn", has been beautifully restored to a school hall and gymnasium and is also used for school productions, assemblies, and extracurricular activities. Franzten House also houses our music room and garderie
Van Dyck Villa
Van Dyck Villa houses the Early Years, consisting of Pre-School and Pre-Primary classes. The school's beautiful library and the school's administrative centre with reception, finance, and admissions, the Head of Campus, and staff rooms are all located in this building.
Green Areas/Merckx Park
Behind the campus buildings are the green playgrounds and expansive playing field, complete with a Wild Life Garden and a pond. We also have a vegetable garden and an outdoor classroom.
Early Years - Outdoor Playground
The Early Years has an extended outdoor environment attached to their classes at the back of Van Dyck Villa, where the children are enriched with group activities, a sandpit, and a wide range of gross motor equipment.
Boch House
ISF International Daycare is the latest addition to our campus and is situated in Boch House. This project incorporated innovative design with scientific research into the well-being of babies and toddlers. The Daycare has its entrance, parking, and outdoor play area.