

Posted On Jun 16th 2019

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ISF Tervuren Summer Fair

We held our Summer Fair on Saturday 15th June. After a rainy start the sun came out and our fair was a great success. We had a great range of games and activities for the children. Delicious food and drinks for parents and guests. Live music and performances from our students entertained us throughout the day.

It was a wonderful community event and we were delighted to welcome Tervuren Mayor Jans Spooren and Cllr Lut Kint. It was a great honour to share our event with our local commune representatives.

We would like to thank everyone who donated a dish, helped on a stall, cooked a burger or served a drink. We thank the PTA for the organisation and our staff for creating such fun activities. We thank all our invited guests and new families for visiting us and we hope that everyone had a wonderful day.